INTRO.03 Strategy Vs Tactics and the 7 Elements to an effective online video strategy

INTRO.03 - Strategy Vs Tactics (and an intro to the 7 Elements)

The difference between approaching video content from a purely tactical approach versus an understanding of the strategy behind the actions you're taking really is the make or break when it comes to effective online video marketing. The Online Video Strategy Blueprint hinges on 7 key strategic elements that form the backbone of this course so it's time to unpack each in further detail.

In this lesson you'll learn;

  • The importance of thinking strategically, rather than tactically.
  • Why most businesses fail when it comes to their video marketing approach
  • An understanding of the 7 key elements for an effective online video strategy, how they fit together and how we'll work through them in more detail in the course modules.

Before you move on to the next lesson:

  1. Watch the video
  2. Download (and print out) the 7 elements one page PDF as a reference throughout the course

7 Elements One Page Reference.pdf

Audiofile: INT03-MP3.mp3

© engagevideomarketing - Online Video Strategy Blueprint 2017.pdf
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