M1.1 Developing your customer avatar

Module 1. Lesson 1 - Developing your Customer Avatar

Let's kick things off with the first lesson for the first element, Audience. And this is where effective online video strategy begins. By developing a clear and defined understanding of who is the audience… Who are you trying to talk to… Who are you aiming to influence… Who are you needing to move to action with your content in order to reach a business objective.

In this lesson you'll learn;

  • The importance of knowing your customer in developing strategic video content
  • How to profile your customer and develop a concise avatar to inform your strategy moving forward
  • A framework for diving into an ideal audience more deeply by understanding demographics, behaviour and psychographic profiling.

Before you move on to the next lesson:

  1. Watch the video
  2. Complete at least 1 customer avatar using the downloadable template for your business or one of your clients

FILLED M1.1 Customer Avatar Workbook.pdf

Audiofile: M1.1-MP3.mp3

Complete and Continue