M1.2 The Customer Acquisition Cycle

Module 1. Lesson 2 - The Customer Acquisition Cycle

Now that you've got a clearer understanding of who you're marketing to, in this lesson we'll by analysing the journey that a customer goes on to eventually buy from a business.

In marketing circles they call this the ‘customer journey’ or ‘customer funnel’ and as we understand how people buy, and their motivations, needs and actions along that journey to purchase we can be so much more effective in creating the right video content and using it in the right way to move our audience to action.

In this lesson you'll learn;

  • The three main phases of the customer journey and how the needs of an audience changes as they move through that journey to buy.
  • Why good video marketing is like dating :)
  • The importance of recognising the audience motivations 'after the sale'
  • The importance of understanding the customer funnel, and why it's more circular than linear

Before you move on to the next lesson:

  1. Watch the video
  2. Grab yourself another cup of coffee - as in lesson 3 you've got work to do!

Audiofile: M1.2-MP3.mp3

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