M1.3 The Customer Conversion Funnel

Module 1. Lesson 3 - The Customer Conversion Funnel

In this lesson I’ll be sharing with you a process that is super valuable to understand and implement in order to really get to know that ideal customer as they move through their journey to buy from a business.

We call this the customer conversion funnel and it really is just a way of answering some key questions about our customer to better understand what’s going through their heads at various stages of the customer journey as we discussed in the previous lesson.

There is downloadable template and worksheet in the resources for this lesson which will help you run through this process for yourself or your clients.

In this lesson you'll learn;

  • The 5 stages of the customer conversion funnel
  • The 5 key questions to answer to map out audience action and desires at each stage
  • How to work through this process for your own business or with your clients to gain clarity on their audiences behaviours and be super effective with your marketing strategy

Before you move on to the next lesson:

  1. Watch the video
  2. Download the worksheet below and familiarise yourself with this process by analysing your own businesses customer conversion funnel first!

Audiofile: M1.3-MP3.mp3

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